22 April, 2011

23rd april 2011

hohh guess what?i called him this morning,aku punya lah happy2 je kol dia,dia jawab kol aku mcm apeeeeeeeeee okay?then dye cakap "kalaw saye cakap saye bosan awak risau tak?" well boy,aku ade heart feeling. setiap masa aku nak jaga hati kau.kau selalu nak menang.okay amik! aku bagi free je.were done okay?aku penat sgt nak jaga hati kau je.kau takde nak fikir pasal aku.aku xnak cakap byk2 .its not worth it.penat kan aku je.

you've make me cry like a dozen times!and Ive had enough.i don't need you anymore.take a good care of yourself.
guess were not meant for each other and thanks fer everything.

p/s: i love you more than anything but you didn't realized it ,you didn't even try to protect our relationship.
