13 November, 2011

What a day!

Things that i did today :
  • bangun tidur pukul 11.siap-siap hantar fiancee pergi kerja.bawak balik kereta.
  • pukul 1:30pm pergi kelas memandu settle lesen L sampai kul 5:00pm
  • Online update blog.(wajib,hehehe)
  • pukul 8 ambil fiancee balik kerja
next plan? macam nak tengok wayang tapi tengok mood dia dulu lah kan?
hmmm im craving for this thing :(

its raining.nice kan?perfect time tuk landing and pejam mata.Hujan lebat sangat.hows my fiancee doin at work? *suddenly wondering.

imissyouuuu so mach !why dont he get it? keras kepala sangat =.=

haaa wedding sickness dah start from this month.semua benda dah pergi survey tinggal nak pertimbangkan saje.Hope everything goes well macam our engagement day.date pon dah tetapkan tapi still dalam pertimbangan and subject to change! LOL.
hope my fiancee pun excited as i am .patiently counting for the day to come :)
