27 April, 2011


this early morning,aku mcm tersentap 1 benda.kenapa kitorang ni selalu sangat argue pasal benda kecik? and yesterday was my first time tengking dia.tkde niat pun.and were almost break up.i keep saying break up words dekat dia semalam.aku pun rase serba salah.maybe aku dah penat sangat nak gaduh.almost every week mesti gaduh.aku penat nangis.each time were having an arguement,i just cant stop from crying.aku try buat bodoh je tapi tak boleh.

then pagi tadi bila aku fikir balik,dia boleh carik orang lain and aku pun boleh carik orang lain.tak susah pun if kitorang nak break up.but the thing is,dia dah pilih aku and aku dah pilih dia.and weve promised that well be together forever no matter what happened.do you guys get my point?what im trying to say is,kalaw kitorang nak suka2 je dah lme kot kitorang break up and cheat on each other.tapi sampai sekarang,even gaduh pun kitorang still nak get back together.tak kira teruk macam mane pun we all gaduh.aku hope sangat kot dye baca ape yg aku tulis ni.tapi dia memg takkan bukak lah kan.facebook pun dia dah tutup coz taknak aku jeles or whatever.see aynn?how deep his love towards you?
aihh aku pun tak tahu lah.semua ni salah aku je kan.aku tak bg perhatian sangat dekat dia.die selalu marah aku sebab aku jarang kol dia.sebenarnya aku bukan tak kisah,tapi aku taknk dia rimas je dengan aku.aku nak relationship ni last forever.so kalaw aku asyik kol2 dia,nanty dia boring .aku sayang dia sangat okay.this is just my way to make our relationship lastlong.

i want to thank him for not letting me go yesterday but i just couldnt say a word when we faced each other.complicated isnt it?
i love you as hell boyfriend.youll be the last person that i ever love .

syed aynn